Papers On Social Psychology
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Schedule Construction and Probability Sampling in Qualitative Research Methods
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This 5 page paper an analysis of the importance of schedule construction and the use of probability sampling as critical elements in establishing validity and reliability in qualitative methods. This paper considers these factors in terms of the four basic designs for qualitative research and also the impact of these structures within surveys. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MHproba.wps
Self Analysis: Addiction
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The nature of humankind in such that the will
to seek pleasure and avoid pain is extremely strong. This 5 page paper
provides guidance in the form of questions to answer that will help the
student explore their own relationship to the social process of
addiction. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KTprsadd.wps
Self Perception and Communication
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This 5 page paper focuses on self perception and how it impacts communication abilities. Several studies are discussed and examples are provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA222com.rtf
Self-Actualization According to Maslow and Buber:
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This 5 page paper discusses what self-actualization is accoding to Abraham Maslow and Martin Buber who were renown psychologists. This paper discusses their theories and presents examples. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: GSSelfac.rtf
Settlement Houses and Groupwork Origins
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7 pages. This paper focuses on settlement houses and group work origins and their legacies. Interestingly enough, group work came out of the legacy of these settlement houses, as this paper will show. This is an interesting part of our history and one that is still utilized to this day in the form of the group work therapies. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JAsttlmt.rtf
Sexual Harassment: A Psychoanalytical Approach
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A 5 page exploration of the psychoanalytical issues involved the growing number of incidences of aggression as they relate to gender. Aggression can take a number of manifestations, one of the most disturbing of which is sexual harassment. The manner in which we explain incidences of sexual harassment has changed over time just as has the ages in which we have observed the behavior. The recent outbreak of sexual harassment among very young children is of particular concern. While Freud would have explained this manifestation as a reflection of sexual instinct, instinct which he contended existed even in infants, contemporary research would indicate that it was more a reflection of a child’s environment and what society condones as appropriate behavior. More specifically, however, such forms of aggression can be attributed to specific psychological problems such as conduct disorder for which there are discernible differences in propensities between males and females. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPpsyHa2.rtf
Sexual Harassment: Sexual Instinct or Changing Societal Factors?
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A 6 page exploration of the psychoanalytical issues involved in the growing number of incidences of agression as they relate to gender. Agression can take a number of manifestations, one of the most distrubing of which is sexual harassment. The manner in which we explain incidences of sexual harassment has changed over time just as has the ages in whcih we have observed the behavior. The recent outbreak of sexual harassment among very young children is of particular concern. While Freud would have explained this manifestation as a reflection of sexual instinct, instinct which he contended existed even in infants, contemporary research would indicate that it was more a reflection of the many societal changes we have experienced in regard to what we find socially acceptable and what we consider a female’s proper place in society. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPpsyHar.rtf
Should Techniques In Applied Behavior Analysis Be Influenced By Findings Of Experimental Analysis Of Human Behavior?
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5 pages in length. When the student examines whether or not techniques in applied behavior analysis should be influenced by findings of experimental analysis of human behavior, s/he will want to keep in mind the ever-changing scope of psychology and how its perpetual modification helps to employ better assessment and treatment practices. At first, it was not a popularly acceptable custom of infiltrating one approach with what appeared to be the quite divergent direction of another; however, ongoing psychological application has found that over time, some heretofore unrivaled methods have given way to the combination of two or more approaches as a means by which to gain a significantly better outcome to the situation at hand. One of the areas where techniques in applied behavior analysis should be influenced by finding of experimental analysis of human behavior is that of Attention Deficit Disorder and the aspect of academic tutorial assistance. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: . TLCApBeh.rtf
Sigmund Freud and Contemporary Gender Issues
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7 pages in length. According to Freud, there is little good in the world that arises naturally and without coercion of one form or another. Man’s existence is rooted in aggression, and all individual concepts Freud originated through his study of the mind he found he could apply to social theory. The animosity and gender bias that women receive in today's workplace, and indeed throughout history, says much toward Freud's stand on civilization as a whole. This paper discusses the correlation between the theories of Sigmund Freud and the bias towards women in the workplace today. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: JGAfreud.wps
Sigmund Freud and Nancy Chodorow -- Perspectives on the
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This 7 page report discusses Sigmund Freud’s larger
psychoanalysis theories and those of the moodier day
feminist-sociologist Nancy Chodorow. While Freud “blames”
virtually every aspect of human development, both individually
and collectively, on sexual repression, Chodorow believes it is
important to reexamine the multiple aspects of sexuality (gender,
sexual orientation, and love) and presents her ideas from those
basic points of reference. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWpsyfre.wps
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