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Papers On Music, Film, Television, Theater & Photography
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Blues Traveler / Music And Society
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A 6 page paper discussing music's role in society, today, yesterday, in America and elsewhere. The main band in focus is Blues Traveler, a relatively new band, in comparison to some, that has a tremendous following, heralded by some as the next Grateful Dead. While they appear to be fairly simple individuals they are involved in issues which illustrate how music collides with society in many ways. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Bluestra.wps

Bob Dylan -- the Social and Musical Evolution of Folk Music to “Folk-Rock”
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This 8 page report discusses singer and songwriter Bob Dylan and is role as one of the major figures in American folk and rock music. It is important to understand that Dylan came to prominence in the midst of truly significant social, political, and ideological change in the United States. One critic wrote in 1998 that: “Bob Dylan couldn't wait for the music to change. He couldn't be only part of the change. He was the change itself. Unlike other songwriters who voiced their politics through their music, Dylan garnered widespread popularity as his words seemed to echo the sentiments of teens of thousands of thousands of the young “rebels” of the 1960s. He was thought of as both a musical and political visionary and apparently viewed himself in equally epic proportions. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWbdylan.wps

Bob Marley
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This 6 page paper provides biographical information of the infamous singer. Many areas are discussed including a history of his career, his impact on the music world and his political ideas. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA143Bob.rtf

Boiler Room -- Ben Younger Movie Starring Giovanni Ribisi, Vin Diesel, Ben Affleck
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This 7 page report discusses the 2000 movie directed and written by Ben Younger and the issues it addresses such as greed, fathers and son, corporate malfeasance, and corruption. No sources listed.
Filename: BWboiler.rtf

Bondage of Bond by the female protagonists: a comparison of the deadliest sex of them all from Rosa Klebb to Elektra King
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This 5 page paper looks at the character of Elektra King in the James Bond film “The World is Not Enough” with a comparison to other female agents and protagonists that Bond has had to face. The writer considered how these have changed in line with societal stereotypes and analyses the symbolic nature of Bonds role within the sexual capacity of those women's lives and asking whether by their actions he is a threat to their sexuality and therefore seek to symbolically neuter him. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEbondwm.rtf

Book Review / Bazin's 'What is Cinema'
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A 4 page paper discussing the book, 'What is Cinema,' by Andre Bazin. Bazin was, and is, a man who loves movies and this is very apparent throughout these essays of his. He has a very unique sense of understanding when it comes to movies and his passion for these movies is illustrated very well. Essentially the book provides a great look into the various aspects of movies that we often overlook. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Bookcine.wps

Book Review / Eisenstein's 'Film Form'
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A 4 page paper discussing the development of argument as presented by Sergei Eisenstein in his book, 'Film Form.' Most, if not all, of his ideas were incredibly creative and he often argued for many essential changes based on his own creative insights. Detailed are his arguments involving sound as well as methods of interpretation in regards to filmmaking. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Formcine.wps

BP Fallon's Interview with U2: "One But Not The Same"
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5 pages in length. Sometimes the simplest questions are the most telling, as BP Fallon found out in his interview with the musical group U2. His article entitled "One But Not The Same" delves deep into the psyche of Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam, the four primary players who have made U2 a musical icon. That Fallon steps away from traditional interview queries opens an entirely new aspect of information retrieval, inasmuch as celebrity personalities are often difficult to crack. This approach, however, remains simplistic in its structure yet reaches far within each man's personal realm. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLC_U2.wps

Branding Plan for WVLT-TV
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A 5 page paper discussing characteristics of the viewing area of this mid-market television station and ways that the station can increase its standing in the local area. Located in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains, WVLT is the perennial “also ran” in broadcast television in East Tennessee. It is a network (CBS) affiliate, but its local efforts fall short of those of the leading station in the market, the local NBC affiliate. The paper recommends that WVLT begin increasing community awareness of the station right away while simultaneously selecting a general theme as focus for greatly increased community involvement. No sources listed.
Filename: KSmktgWVLT.rtf

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This 15 page paper deals with the influence of expressionism on the technique and work of Bertolt Brecht. Overview and definition of the characteristics of expressionism. Examples and quotes cited and given. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MBbrecht.rtf

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