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Papers On Health Care
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The Effects of Stress on Police Officers
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An 8 page discussion of the impact stress can have on police officers. The causes of stress are noted and a detailed discussion of their physiological and mental impacts is presented. These impacts can include symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Physiological problems are often accompanied by behavioral problems as well. The contention of this paper is that a police officer suffering from the more severe manifestations of stress is incapable in carrying out their job duties. All police offers suffering from stress must seek out the assistance of qualified medical and psychological personnel. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PPstresP.rtf

The Evolution of Nursing Equality
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A 7 page discussion of the change in nursing roles which have been experienced over the last one-hundred years. Compares the status of women in nursing with their status in other occupations. Notes the initial perception of a nurse as an inferior domestic servant has changed considerably with nursing access to better education and the formation of labor unions and professional associations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPnrsGnd.wps

The Healthcare Industry: HMOs and Managed Care
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This 10 page paper provides an overview of the current healthcare environment, and outlines the arguments surrounding the use of managed care scenarios. This paper outlines the central elements related to cost-containment measures in healthcare and also defines why questions of medical ethics come into play in the development of these types of operations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MHHMO2.wps

The High Cost of Health Insurance: Co-Pay for Prescription Drugs
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This 5 page paper provides an example letter of a consumer writing to Oxford Health Plans regarding the high cost of prescription drugs. Suggestions are made and reasoning is provided to convince the insurance company to change its drug co-pay options. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA249Ox.rtf

The History of Modern Nursing
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This 5 page report briefly discusses the development and history of modern nursing in the Western world. “Modern” nursing, just as other aspects of modern medicine, began to come into its own in the mid- to late-19th century in the Western world. Between war, scientific advancement, and the onslaught of the Industrial Age, humans were becoming aware of certain physical truths regarding their physical bodies, good health, and what constituted beneficial care and treatment. It has continued to advance along with technology and human knowledge. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWhisnur.rtf

The HMO Blues - The Cost of Cost Cutting
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A 9 page paper that outlines the cost cutting methods that have been employed by HMO providers and argues that these tactics have had a detrimental effect on the quality of health care and services, especially in the area of emergency medical treatment. Presented is a description of the financial losses suffered by HMO providers due to the high cost of emergency room visits, the concern these losses have generated among HMO officials, and the stern restrictions that have been placed upon HMO members in an effort to reduce these losses. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: LCHMO.wps

The Impacts of Second Hand Smoke to Lung Function in Children: A Proposed Study
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A 21 page overview of the impacts of second hand smoke in pulmonary function. Contends that secondary smoke can be linked to such a diversity of pulmonary conditions as lung cancer, asthma, and respiratory infection from a variety of viruses and bacteria. Suggests that children in particular are susceptible to this impact. Suggests an experimental design to better quantify those problems utilizing a sample base of patients already hospitalized in pediatric wards for both pulmonary and non-pulmonary complaints. Provides sample surveys designed to be administered to children age eleven to fifteen and their parents to identify the degree of environmental smoke in the home. Relies on the utilization of salivary testing for cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine, to further quantify the degree of smoking which an individual is exposed to in the home. Suggests that coupling this information with pulmonary function testing which has already occurred in the clinical situation would provide a ready, cost-effective, means of quantifying the impact of secondary smoke on pulmonary function.
Filename: PPsmoke2.wps

The Japanese Healthcare System
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15 pages in length. A discussion of the Japanese healthcare system along with several solutions to make it better. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAjphhl.wps

The Level of Health Care Received By Veterans:
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This 7 page paper examines issues of health care concern within the general population which also affect veterans as well as health care issues which specifically impact veterans. This paper explores the problems associated with the VA health care system and the reasons for the existance of those problems, namely the lack of funding. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: GSVetern.rtf

The Management of Pre-Operative Fasting
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This 12 page paper examines the subject of pre operative fast management. The paper includes discussion on the need for management with the negative consequences of over excessive fasting and the risks associated with periods that are too long and too short, including increased incidence of post operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and the related risks. Research on the topic is included in order to define best practice and how improvements may be made in the future. A stakeholder approach is utilised within the analysis. The bibliography cites 18 sources.
Filename: TEpreopf.rtf

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