Papers On Medical Ethics
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Patient Safety in Clinical Trials
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This 55 page paper provides an overview of the central issues in addressing patient safety in clinical trials. This paper assesses the current perspectives, regulatory audit findings and suggestions, plans and strategies for improvement. In addition, this research study also considers the nature of IND safety assessments and prevalent issues like informed consent. Bibliography
lists 25 sources.
Filename: MHPatsaf.wps
People As Guinea Pigs / Medical Ethics & The Tuskegee Case
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The Tuskegee Study was a 40-year project in which scientists observed - but did not adequately treat -syphilis among 412 black men in rural Alabama. By the time the study had concluded, it was found that the disease had killed at least 28 of its subjects. Essentially, Tuskegee exploited the lesser intelligent and silently forced them to participate in a study that would only hurt them. In this 2 page essay, the writer examines rules of consent and medical ethics to presents methods designed to prevent such an occurrence from ever happening again. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Tuskege.wps
Persistent Vegetative State PVS): Should These Patients Be Used As Organ Donors?
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5 pages in length. In a perfect world, artificial organs and tissues will finally reach the point of perfect utilization so that people will be spared the discomfort of making the donor decision for themselves or other loved ones. Indeed, the concept of organ donation and transplantation is one of complete selflessness, allowing an individual to survive through the life experiences of so many others. One has to wonder why all people would not possess such a benevolent attitude toward human existence. However, there is a certain population that lingers in limbo between life and death, creating a difficult situation for
family members when it comes to organ donation: persistent vegetative state (PVS). The definition of death does not include PVS, which represents the crux of this controversy: should PVS patients be used as organ donors? Can the definition be changed to include PVS and, therefore, provide
an even more comprehensive network of donors? Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCvegie.wps
Phenacetin: The now-banned Pain Killer
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An 8 page overview of the history of the drug phenacetin. Describes the numerous potentially adverse and possibly even fatal aspects of the drug. Applauds the U.S. decision to outlaw it but questions the approval process which put it on the shelves in the first place. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPphenac.wps
Prescribing Psychiatric Drugs To Children
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A 12 page paper. The ratio of children who are diagnosed with a psychiatric condition and the numbers who are taking psychotropic drugs has soared in the last ten to fifteen years. In fact, prescriptions for Ritalin alone rose by 600 percent since the late 1980s. The writer provides a comprehensive investigation of the diagnosis and the use of prescribed drugs. Some studies allege that children are overdiagnosed and overmedicated, some concluded that many children slip through the cracks and are not diagnosed and treated, while still others suggest it is an issue of misdiagnosis and improper medication. This essay concludes with a discussion that addresses the ethics of prescribing these medications to children, when many have not been approved for use below the age of 18. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGkidrx.rtf
Prescription Drug Coverage For Senior Citizens: Current Controversy
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10 pages in length. Health care reform has been a thorn in the nation's side ever since the development of private insurance and employer-supplied coverage after World War II. This union-supported venture did not sit well with subsequent presidents, such as Truman, who tried hard to reform health care so as to reflect a more comprehensive and viable commodity for all Americans. Clinton even took a shot at it, however, one might readily argue that his was the most catastrophic failure of all attempts made in past decades, with Johnson's passing of Medicare and Medicaid proving to be the only successful endeavor. Today, however, the issue of providing senior citizens with prescription drugs has come to the forefront of virtually all health-related concerns. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCSnrDr.rtf
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This 6 page paper discusses the high costs of American pharmaceuticals, offers solutions for reform and compares the industry to industries in other countries. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MBdrugind.rtf
Pro Physician Assisted Suicide
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A 3 page paper which argues that physician assisted
suicide should be legal. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAeuth.rtf
Proposal to Increase Organ Donor Numbers
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A 3 page persuasive paper providing three arguments in favor of requiring all young adults to sign a statement indicating their willingness to consider donating their organs. Arguments include reinforcing the concept of exchange; making the selection process more objective; and diffusing arguments in favor of human cloning. No sources listed.
Filename: KSorganDonor.rtf
Quality Of Life As An Outcome Measure: Political And Ethical Implications
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6 pages in length. Since the very first move toward
humanizing the medical industry, quality of life has been a standard for measuring a patient's outcome. Indeed, while there may be medical procedures still to be applied to a particular disease or condition, the individual's quality of life must first be considered before deciding to implement further treatment. What is quality of life and why is it so important to patient care? In the context of patient care, quality of life represents the extent to which an individual can continue living his or her normal existence without the overwhelming presence of invasive medical procedures or treatments. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCqualt.wps
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