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Papers On Disease, Treatment, & Epidemiology
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Myocardial Infarction and Emergency Diagnosis and Intervention
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A 5 page overview of the importance of emergency medical services in diagnosing and addressing heart attacks. Presents the case of a fifty-one year old patient who has admitted to an emergency room complaining of chest pain. Reviews the patient’s vital signs and uses these signs to conclude that an acute myocardial infarction is in progress. Outlines the diagnostic and treatment strategy which will likely be employed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPhrtCas.rtf

Necrotizing Enterocolitis
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A 6 page discussion of necrotizing enterocolitis, a serious gastrointestinal disorder affecting approximately 2000 neonates per year in the United States alone. NEC is an acquired condition which is believed to result from an imbalance between gastrointestinal perfusion, enteric organisms, and enteral feeding. Medical management and surgical options are explored. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPcoliti.wps

Neonatal Jaundice
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This 5 page paper provides information on Neonatal Jaundice. However , all information is from web sources and the purpose of the paper is to evaluate the credibility of these sites. Still, much of the information is accurate as it draws on data from the American Academy of Pediatrics as well as a hospital site. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA244neo.rtf

Neural Networking in Medical Imaging
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A 5 page assertion that networking is opening vast avenues for increased efficiency and accuracy in the analysis of medical imaging. Traditional methods of data analysis in such applications and medicine relied solely on the visual inspection of that data by experts. Neural networking complements this inspection with detailed computer analysis utilizing complex computer algorithms. The technique has proven invaluable in a number of diverse medical arenas. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PPneurNt.rtf

New Testing Procedures for Tuberculosis
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This 6 page paper explores the new rapid testing procedures for diagnosing TB. Details concerning specimen collection and processing are also touched on. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA136TB.rtf

Nitric Oxide & Its Use In Respiratory Care
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A 12 page paper outlining the use of nitric oxide in vascular and pulmonary health care functions. Particular emphasis is placed on inhaled nitric oxide therapy, its benefits and possible complications. Bibliography lists twelve sources.
Filename: Nitricre.wps

Nitric Oxide Synthase
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15 pages in length. Nitric oxide (NO), a toxic, colorless gas that is formed by oxidation of nitrogen or ammonia, has long been considered a threat to man's physical being; however, current research has uncovered some startling evidence that nitric oxide is not only innocuous to the human body, but findings have indicated that it actually helps address certain illnesses and diseases. As an inorganic gas, it is a responsible component of regulated bodily blood flow and arterial pressure; without nitric oxide, blood circulation would not move through the body with necessary regularity. Associated with nitric oxide is endothelium derived relaxing factor (EDRF), for which nitric oxide provides the biological properties. Nitric oxide has other important physiological duties, inasmuch as it is considered a messenger molecule in the central and periferic nervous system and a mediator of immune and inflammatory responses. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is a required component in the formation of nitric oxide as it exists from a basis of L-arginine amino acid. Humans have been found to house three nitric oxide synthase isoenzymes, including isoform I, expressed constitutively in brain, isoform II usually not constitutively expressed but can be present in cytokine-induced cells; and isoform III expressed in endothelials cells. The writer discusses the various associations in relation to nitric oxide synthase and the human body. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: TLCnitrc.wps

Non- pharmacological Treatment for Aggression in Dementia Patients
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This 5 page paper considers the way in which aggression and agitation may be treated in patients suffering from dementia. The paper includes behaviour management and the consideration of environmental factors as well as staff training. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEdement.wps

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
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A 3 page paper discussing Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. The writer explains various degrees of the disease and its treatments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Hodgkino.wps

Nosocomial Infections -- Causes and Prevention
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This 5 page report discusses nosocomial infections, those that originate in a hospital or other clinical setting. Nosocomial infections most often affect patients who are immunocompromised because of age, underlying diseases, or medical or surgical treatments. This paper discusses the facts of nosocomial infections as well as preventative measures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWnosoco.wps

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