Papers On British Literature
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This paper compares two British authors, Thomas Hardy and William Golding, and discusses how they deal with the theme of evil in their works. Also discussed is how outsiders are presented in their stories. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTeviout.rtf
Goldsmith/Vicar of Wakefield
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A 5 page essay that examines Oliver Goldsmith's 1766 novel The Vicar of Wakefield. The writer argues that this is a morality tale similar to the trials of the biblical Job. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khvicar.rtf
Graham Greene�s �The Tenth Man�
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This 5 page report discusses
�The Tenth Man� and examines the writing style and nuances of the
English writer, Graham Greene. Irony is the single governing
characteristic of Greene�s work and is certainly the constant
theme of �The Tenth Man.� A wealthy man gives up his wealth in
order to live. A poor man gives up his life in order to provide
a comfortable home and life for his sister and mother. After the
war, Chaval faces what he has done and returns to the house that
bought his life. He has grown a beard as a disguise and calls
himself by a different name. The story that unfolds from that
point is one of the ironies of both life and death. Bibliography
lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWgreene.wps
Great Expectations: A Novel or a Life Style?
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(5pp) You are given a quote from a novel. You
are to relate it to the novel, thematically.
Nothing new, in that assignment, right.
enerally speaking yes, except if the author is
Charles Dickens, and his supposedly
"autobiographical" novel Great Expectations. It
is a great "pizza" of a book - one with everything.
And may teach all of us a great more than we
ever expected.
Filename: BBgrexpt.doc
Greene's "The Power and the Glory"
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A five page paper on this novel by Graham Greene. The paper argues that without the issue of alcoholism, the struggle between revolution, religion, and morality would have been less effective. Bibliography lists two sources.
Filename: KBglory.wps
Griselda�a "traffic in women"
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A 15 page research paper that analyzes the Clerk's tale from Geoffrey Chaucer's fourteenth century masterpieces, "The Canterbury Tales." Using Gayle Rubin's 1975 article, "The Traffic in Women," as a framework, the writer argues that the tale of patient Griselda fits the model outlined by Rubin. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: 99gtiw.wps
Gulliver's Travels: the Yahoos
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A paper which looks at Book IV of Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels' and considers the similarities between the Yahoos and human beings, and Gulliver's reaction to his exposure to Yahoo society.
Filename: JLyahoo.rtf
H.G. Wells� �The Time Machine� -- A Discourse on Social
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This 6 page report discusses �The Time Machine� and
the ways in which the world of the future provided a commentary
on Wells own time. When the story is viewed as a social construct
of the world it takes on yet another tonal quality and presents a
realm in which class consciousness exists as a fundamental
cornerstone of social order. As a result, the book can serve as
an allegory facilitating a discussion of socialism and its
principles of equality. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWtmchin.wps
Hamlet's Indecisiveness
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A five-page paper analyzing the many instances in which the title character of Shakespeare's classic play postpones decisive action. The paper asserts that in the long run, this procrastination causes more injustice and hurts more people than an early decisive action would have done. No additional sources.
Filename: KBhamlt2.wps
Hanif Kureishi/The Rainbow Sign
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A 5 page research paper that examines the autobiographical essay of British writer Hanif Kureishi, The Rainbow Sign. Kureishi, who is half Pakistani, describes the prejudice he has encountered in British society, and the tension that his divided loyalties created in his life, as well as his decision to define himself as British. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khhankur.rtf
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