Papers On Literature
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A Focus on Suffering in Literature During the Medieval Period
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This 5 page paper evaluates "Beowulf" and "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" for common themes and ultimately proves that both works address the condition of human suffering. Many other themes are explored including the use of the supernatural and the importance of social status. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA113med.wps
A Gathering of Old Men/ Critical Reception
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A 5 page research paper that examines the critical reception that Ernest Gaines's 'A Gathering of Old Men' has inspired. The writer reports on the novel and why it has received such glowing recommendations. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: 00oldmen.rtf
A Hero Through Time And In Print
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Literary tradition includes a development
of the heroic persona. A hero is one of the essential ingredients in
literature, however, the definition of the hero has changed over time. This 5
page paper looks at Chaucer's Wife Of Bathe's Tale as an illustration of the
medieval hero; Virginia Woolf's The Waves for an understanding of the modern
depiction of hero and T. S. Eliot's epic poem, The Waste Land as an example of
the portrayal of the postmodern hero. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KTmodhro.rtf
A History of Apocalyptic Literature
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This 9 page paper compares and contrasts old and new apocalyptic literature. The bible is discussed along with Nostradamus . The New Age movement is highlighted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: S222Apo.rtf
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This 5 page paper gives a brief overview of V.S. Naipaul's Noble Prize Winning book, A House for Mr. Biswas. The theme of pride and its effect on Mr. Biswas and those around him is detailed. Symbolism, theme and significance discussed. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MBnpaul.rtf
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This paper compares and contrasts Wiggins and Jefferson in Ernest Gaine's novel A Lesson Before Dying. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTlesdea.rtf
A Letter From Martin Luther King
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This 5 page paper considers the letter written by martin Luther King in 1963 entitled the 'Letter from Birmingham Jail'. The paper looks at the messages contained in the letter, the justification and historical references and the way in which religion was used. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEmartlk.wps
A Letter to Simone De Beauvoir on the 50th Anniversary of 'The Second Sex'
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A 5 page letter to French philosopher and feminist Simone De Beauvoir on the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of her controversial book, 'The Second Sex,' specifically addressing its continued relevance along with ideas which are no longer applicable in a world of birth control, legalized abortion and the relaxing of social taboos. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TGsecsex.rtf
A Literary Comparison of John Keats’ “Grecian Urn” and William Wordsworth’s “Ode: Intimations of Mortality”
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A 5 page comparison of the literary genre of odes using the poems of two of the most noted poets of the romantic genre. Discusses the ode genre, distinguishing between irregular odes and regular odes. Emphasizes that while certain aspects such as structure differ in many respects between Wordsworth’s “Ode” and Keats’ “The Grecian Urn”, there are a number of commonalties between these presentations as well. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPodes.rtf
A Look At Hermann Hesse
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6 pages in length. The writer discusses metamorphosis as it relates to the works of Hermann Hesse: Siddhartha, Steppenwolf, The Glass Bead Game, Demian and Narcissus and Goldmund. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLChesse.wps
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