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Papers On Literature
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Dante’s “Inferno” as Spiritual Journey
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A seven page paper looking at the motif of the journey as Dante develops it in this poem. The paper shows how the theme of the journey is a precise allegory for the spiritual growth experience we must all undertake at those points in our lives when we find we have lost our way; this, and not its Christian message, contribute to the appeal of the Inferno today. No additional sources.
Filename: KBdante2.wps

Detailed Structural Analysis and Explanation of Dante Alighieri's Poem, 'Inferno'
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A 5 page paper which provides a detailed structural analysis and explanation of Dante Alighieri's classic poem, 'Inferno,' discussing, among other things, imagery, symbolism, the significance of the number three, how the poem represented the moral code of the time, and a consideration of why betrayal was regarded as a sin to be more severely punished than murder. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TGinfrno.wps

Francesca da Rimini in Dante’s “The Inferno”
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This 5 page report discusses Dante Alighieri's classic that tells of the poet’s journey into hell. The report focuses on the structure of hell and then examines the character of Francesca da Rimini who is in hell because of her adulterous affair. Her story gains the sympathy of both Dante and the reader but the point is that it is God who determines justice, not humans. Dante also applies a specific system of ethics to classify the sins and punishments of hell. No secondary sources.
Filename: BWdante.wps

Nobility in Medieval Literature
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A 5 page paper describing the role of nobility in the Middle Ages. The writer uses Dante's Inferno as a primary source, and describes how Dante presented the noble class. Bibliography lists four sources.
Filename: Inferno.wps

Robert Pinsky and Dante’s Inferno
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This 5 page report discusses the ninth U.S. poet laureate,Robert Pinsky, and Dante’s “Inferno.” Drawing on information from an online discussion with The Atlantic Monthly in April of 1995, Pinsky’s ideas as they realte to Dante are examined.Pinsky’s translation of “Inferno” won several awards which called special attention to this American’s view of one of the world’s great literary classics. No secondary sources.
Filename: BWpinsky.wps

Sexuality and Women's Self-Determination in Four Classic Literary Works
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A 9 page paper showing the connection between these two issues, as demonstrated in the works of Aristophanes, Plato, Dante, and Shakespeare (Lysistrata, The Apology, The Inferno, and The Tempest, respectively). The paper asserts that Western literature first mocked or dismissed the sexual expression of female self-determination, later turned it into a sin, and finally transformed it into a social gaffe, but until recently still continued to maintain that its suppression was not wrong. Bibliography lists five sources.
Filename: 4litwor.rtf

Symbolism in Three Cantos of Dante’s “Inferno”
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A five page paper looking at Cantos XXXII, XXXIII, and XXXIV of Dante’s classic work in terms of the way the poet uses symbolism and imagery to heighten our understanding of the poem’s meaning. Special attention is paid to the significance of ice, which contrasts with our expectation that Hell is a lake of fire. No additional sources.
Filename: KBdante3.wps

The Quest and the Hero in Homer, Dante, and Cervantes
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A five page paper analyzing the significance of these motifs in “The Odyssey,” “The Inferno,” and “Don Quixote.” The paper concludes that each hero, through his quest, has brought back to his society a dose of precisely the medicine it needs. Bibliography lists two sources.
Filename: KBquest.wps

Visual Imagery in Dante’s Inferno
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A 5 page paper looking at the types of imagery used in Dante’s classic poem as well as the way they relate to the spiritual meanings of the poem. The paper concludes that Dante demonstrates in his symbolic and yet graphic imagery a desire to reform his own life and help his readers do the same. No additional sources.
Filename: KBdante.wps

Darwinism in Hardy's 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles'
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A twelve page paper looking at the influence of Charles Darwin's 'Origin of Species' on Thomas Hardy's novel. The paper argues that Hardy was a devout disciple of Darwin's theory and used it to explain the forces operating against the novel's protagonist. No additional sources.
Filename: KBdarwin.wps

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