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Papers On Literature
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James Dickey's 'Deliverance' / Use Of Nature
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A 6 page essay on the book and movie versions discussing how nature works to illustrate Dickey's ideas as to the concept of evil and as a liberating agent for four middle-age suburban men on camping trip in the wilderness. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Deliveran.wps

Male Bonding and Brotherhood in Literature, and the Prevalence of Homoerotica
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An 8 page research paper that discusses the desire of some writers to represent a brotherhood between men in literature and how impossible it is to control the homoerotic imagery that undercuts that process. The writer explores Hemingway, Whitman and Dickey, and draws historical relationships between 'Roman d'Eneas' and ancient Greek and Sumerian texts. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Cnmalbnd.wps

Utilization Of the Journey Motif In Contemporary Literature
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This 5 page paper analyzes how the journey motif was used in The Grapes of Wrath (1939) by John Steinbeck, The Old Man and The Sea (1952) by Ernest Hemingway, and Deliverance (1970) by James Dickey. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Journey.wps

John Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath' / Family Values
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This 5 page report discusses the issues of family values and the organization changes faced in society and individual families; as well as, the larger context of the national consciousness and despair of the Great Depression. In John Steinbeck's 1939 classic In 'The Grapes of Wrath,' each of these human conditions -- weaknesses and acts of courage - are all alluded to if not completely explored. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Grapefam.wps

Religion in Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath'
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A five page look at John Steinbeck's classic novel about a migrant family in the 1930s. The paper contends that Steinbeck refutes the basic assumptions that conventional Christianity makes about family structure and replaces it with a radically new sense of what family means. Bibliography lists two sources.
Filename: KBwrath.wps

Capitalism versus Community Spirit in Three Works of John Steinbeck
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An 8 page paper looking at three of Steinbeck’s most famous works -- “The Pearl,” The Grapes of Wrath, and Cannery Row -- in terms of their characters’ sense of community. The paper suggests that capitalism and a deep sense of community are incompatible, because the values needed to sustain community spirit -- generosity, compassion, helpfulness -- are the same as the ones that brand one a failure in a capitalist economy. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: KBsteinbeck.wps

Community in “Of Mice and Men,” “Grapes of Wrath” and “Native Son”
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A fifteen page paper comparing these three novels by John Steinbeck and Richard Wright in terms of the way they look at the concept of community from the perspective of the human development of their protagonists. The paper concludes that in Steinbeck’s works, society is wrong, but individual people can work out a form of communal redemption. In Wright’s novel, society is just as wrong, but the individual has no logical response but rage. No additional sources.
Filename: KBstein3.wps

Freedom in Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men”
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A five page paper looking at the issue of freedom in John Steinbeck’s classic novel. The paper argues that Of Mice and Men presents three kinds of freedom: the freedom from responsibility that George dreams of; the freedom from guilt that is the unwanted side-effect of Lennie’s disability; and the freedom from social pressures that is beyond the scope of either man. Bibliography lists five sources.
Filename: KBmice2.wps

John Steinbeck & Cheever
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5 page interpretation of 'Country Husband' by John Cheever and 'The Chrysanthemums' by John Steinbeck. Paper argues that the stories are about personal change, and leaving a life of emotional neglect. No outside sources.
Filename: Country.wps

John Steinbeck / American Tragedy
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Family values and traditions play a major role in the process of developing the themes of Steinbeck's major novels. He mixes hope and belief in higher powers with social corruption and pressures to conform. The American Tragedy is represented in this struggle and the eventual success of societal pressure to define the family structure as opposed to tradition and moral considerations. This is a 5 page paper looks at Steinbeck's portrayal of the concept of American Tragedy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Johntrag.wps

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