Papers On Literature
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John Milton and the Vision of Orpheus
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In this well-written 9 page essay, the writer's thesis sets out to examine Milton's frequent use of the Orpheus myth throughout his poetry. Specific parallels are drawn between L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, and others as they relate to the myth of Orpheus. Works Cited page lists 4 sources. Milton~1.wps
Filename: Milton,john.wps
John Milton's 'Paradise Lost' & Spenser's 'The Faerie Queene' / Chastity and Desire
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A 5 page paper examining the issue of chastity versus desire in Milton's Paradise Lost and Spenser's The Faerie Queene. Looking particularly at the characters of Eve and Britomart, the paper concludes that for both authors, chastity does not mean physical celibacy as much as it means a self-disciplined restraint on wanton desire. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Chastdes.wps
John Milton's 'Paradise Lost' & The Fall Of Adam
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15 pages in length. A detailed analysis of Adam's fall as presented by Milton in 'Paradise Lost.' The writer argues that, -- among other things, -- a lack of self-esteem can be attributed Adam's troubles. Numerous examples are given to support this thesis / analysis and the paper's conclusion is very well-argued.
Filename: Paralos2.wps
John Milton's 'Paradise Lost' / Adam Falls - Book IX
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A 5 page paper on the characterization of Adam in Book IX of Milton's epic poem. It is argued that Milton believed that Adam should have remained simultaneously obedient to God and in control of his wife, as later in the poem Christ shows himself to be worshipped by Man but subservient to God. Bibliography lists 1 additional source.
Filename: Adamfall.wps
John Milton's 'Paradise Lost' / Key to the Fall ?
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A 3 page paper analyzing whether Milton fulfilled his objective of 'justify[ing] the ways of God to man' in writing Paradise Lost. The paper contends that though a greater empathy was created for Adam and Eve, God emerges as the most inscrutable - and actually the least likable - person in the poem. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Keyfall.wps
John Milton's 'Paradise Lost' / The Wrong Conclusion ?
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This 6 page paper provides an analysis of John Milton's Paradise Lost. The focus is on the ending of the work and whether or not another conclusion would have been better. Also addressed are the philosophical questions posed by the piece. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Lostpara.wps
John Milton's 'Paradise Lost' vs. Hobbes' 'Leviathan' / Science & Religion
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This 6 page research paper examines the scientific and religious views of man and the cosmos offered by Thomas Hobbes' The Leviathan (1651) and John Milton's Paradise Lost (1667). Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Levlost.wps
Milton’s Humanity : Dreams vs. Reality
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A 5 page paper which examines the tension
that exists in John Milton’s works in regards to humanities dreams, which involve pure
spirituality, and the reality, which involves the gross and decayed. For the most part,
Milton provides the tension by illustrating how God is pure and man is involved in a
constant struggle to exist in that purity, but with no lick, due to the fact that God has
placed us in this essentially evil and vile world so that we may suffer and dream of the
greatness of God. The works examined are “Of Education,” “Areopagitica,” and
“Lycidas.” Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAmilton.wps
Paradise Lost and The Rape of the Lock / A Poetic Contrast
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A 5 page paper examining John Milton's classic 'Paradise Lost,' and Alexander Pope's 'The Rape of the Lock.' The writer discusses the two works, the contrasts between them, and their authors. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Miltpapr.wps
Swift and Conrad / Dual Strains of Irony
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A 20 page paper looking at the various types of irony in the Western literary tradition. Surveying the use of irony by over a dozen writers, the paper determines that irony developed in two major strains: the humanistic and the fatalistic, with Swift embodying the first type and Conrad the second. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: Ironywks.wps
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