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Papers On Literature
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Henrik Ibsen's 'A Doll's House' / Author's Version vs. Modern Film Version
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In 6 pages, the writer compares Henrik Ibsen's 'A Doll's House' with the movie version starring Claire Bloom as Nora. Nora is also compared and contrasted with Oedipus. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Compibs.wps

Henrik Ibsen's 'A Doll's House' / Characterization, Plot And Irony
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5 pages in length. Without the inclusion of characterization, plot and irony, there would be little point in constructing any works of literature whatsoever, for these literary terms describe the very heart of a story's content. The people within a tale must have a sense of existence, which is what characterization gives to them. It is a means by which the author develops the story's characters, giving them depth, artistic representation and motives for their actions. Plot is why the whole story comes alive in the first place; without plot, a tale would merely drone on and on without purpose or direction. A story's irony is what makes it that much more intriguing, particularly in relation to the fact that irony represents an expression opposite of what the literal meaning provides. Irony can be described as an unwitting occurrence that takes the characters -- and the reader -- by complete surprise. The writer discusses characterization, plot and irony in relation to Ibsen' 'A Doll's House.' Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCdoll.wps

Henrik Ibsen's 'Doll's House'
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A 3 page discussion of 'Doll's House' and how Ibsen deals with the issue of the position of women in marriage and in society through the character of Nora (and Torvald). No Bibliography.
Filename: Dollhous.wps

Henrik Ibsen's 'Doll's House'
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A 7 page paper on this play by Ibsen. The writer explores Ibsen's themes and symbols and explains Ibsen's controversial view of morality and society. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Dollshse.wps

Henrik Ibsen's 'Doll's House' / Bird Imagery & Self-Esteem
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A 6 page essay on Henrik Ibsen's classic play. The paper examines the tension between Torvald's objectification of his wife as a pet and Nora's growing awareness of her own wings; it concludes that only when she discovers her real self is she able to do what birds do best -- fly. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Dollbird.wps

Henrik Ibsen's 'Doll's House' / Love & Marriage ?
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5 pages in length. Love is not necessarily a prerequisite for marriage. This statement is clearly proven in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House, where Nora and Torvald Helmer easily execute what could be one of millions of masquerade marriages of their day. Brought together in matrimony but respecting none of the inherent principles, the two people merely wade through their relationship as though one were the master, the other a slave. The writer discusses these points as they pertain to the play. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Dolllove.wps

Henrik Ibsen's 'Ghosts'
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This 8 page paper reflects upon the theme, characters, language, and plot development (the main dramatic elements) in Ibsen's play 'Ghosts.' Specifically, this paper considers the character of Mrs. Alving, the role of her husband, and the themes of communication, confession and reconciliation that are expressed through the character development and plot structure of the play. As a result of this analysis, this paper also allows the writer to consider the strengths and weaknesses in each area of dramatic development. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Ibsengh.wps

Henrik Ibsen's 'Hedda Gabler'
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4 pages in length. Essay discusses the frustration and self-absorption of Hedda, and how it ultimately led to her assisted suicide of Luvborg and her own death. General overview and analysis. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Heddagab.wps

Henrik Ibsen's 'Hedda Gabler' And 'Ghosts': Character Comparison
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5 pages in length. Henrik Ibsen's talent for delving deeply into social composition is characteristically synonymous with the level of cultural implication the author incorporates into his works. 'Hedda Gabler' and 'Ghosts' are but two selections of Ibsen's writing that represent how a patriarchal society helps to eat away at the female characters' very existence. Caught within the never-ending web of gender bias, both Hedda and Mrs. Alving are forced to proceed with their lives as though they were merely extensions of other's, uneasily precluded from advancing their own interests. Also intertwined within the frame work of 'Hedda Gabler' and 'Ghosts' stands the issues of self-worth and the deflated value that each woman places upon her own importance as a result of male dominance. The writer compares and contrasts the characters of Hedda and Mrs. Alving. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCibsen.wps

Henrik Ibsen's 'The Master Builder'
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A 5 page research paper discussing the themes and characters in Ibsen's classic play. The writer describes the themes of tragedy, self & alienation, the role of female characters in the play, and also various elements of symbolism in the play. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Masterbu.wps

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