Papers On Ethics
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Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Applied Ethics
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A 4 page paper which discusses
racial and ethnic discrimination today as they relate to traditional applied ethics. The
essays examined are "The Color-Blind Principle" by Bernard Boxill, "Affirmative Action:
The Price of Preference" by Shelby Steele, and "Racisms" by Kwane Anthony Appiah. No
additional sources cited.
Filename: RAdisceth.wps
Rationing Health Care -- Issues of Ethics, Philosophy, and Justice
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This 12 page
report discusses the debate regarding who or who should not receive certain forms of
medical treatment or health care and the many questions the issue presents. In this climate
of ostensibly “compassionate conservatism,” far too many people, in a wide array of life
circumstances, are without access to, much less the money to afford optimum health care.
This report argues that health care and medical treatment should not be only for those
who can financially afford them. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: BWration.rtf
Research of Global Importance
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This 5 page paper takes a subject of global importance; sustainable development and proposes a way in which it may be researched. Starting with a literature review, which includes many cases, the paper then considers how the problem may be measured and what polices may improve the current situation. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEenvres.wps
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6 pages in length. Human beings are born with inherent characteristics that set them apart from other members of the animal world; one of the most prominent of these traits is that of responsibility. In a very general sense, maintaining responsibility means to be cognizant of one's actions as they impact those within one's circle of life. This circle, however, does not end with the eye's perception; rather, the circle extends far beyond anyone's immediate vision, much like the ripples of a stream continue forth long past one's gaze. People use responsibility for
myriad reasons: to further their good character; to
establish reliability; and to tap into their moral being. The dimensions of responsibility are grand and far-reaching, often proving to elude those who do not put forth an honest effort to retain its presence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCrespo.wps
Scientific Misconduct
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A 5 page paper which discusses the misconduct apparent in
specific scientific cases. The paper summarizes and discusses 8 separate cases obtained
from the United Stated Department of Health and Human Services: Office of Research
Integrity website. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAplag2.rtf
Selected Points Of The American Medical Association's Code of Conduct
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A 3 page paper examining two points of the AMA's code of ethics. One that recently was discarded is that banning the commercial promotion of medical services by any specific doctor (i.e., advertising). Even without the restriction though, most M.D.'s still choose not to advertise. The other ethical point is that of assisted suicide and some of the reciprocating moves the AMA and Jack Kevorkian have made. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: AMA.wps
Sexual Attraction: Therapist and Client
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A 5 page paper which discusses professional
ethics as they involve sexual attraction between a therapist and a client within the therapy
relationship. Ethical Guidelines are presented. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAsexther.wps
Sexual Harassment Laws Favor Women
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(5 pp) courses. Women wield such power in this
"man's world" that with a word, a whimper, no more,
they can destroy most men. The power of the female victim in American society is great. By this cause, all men have reason to fear and distrust them. Women use victim power to destroy inconvenient men.
Women use blame, guilt and shame to control men.
Mothers and teachers encourage men to be vulnerable
to this from earliest childhood, and girls rely on
the power of the pointed finger to "keep men in
line." Thus, they fear shameless men because such
men can't be controlled with guilt and blame.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BBsxhar.doc
Should American Troops Be in South Korea:
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This 6 page paper discusses the present situation and history of U.S. and South Korean relations. Furthermore, this paper discusses whether of not U.S. Forces should be there and how we attempt to decide if U.S. involvement is right or wrong. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: GSSKorea.rtf
Should Assisted Suicide be legalized?
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This 5 page paper considers the social paradigm of the conflict perspective and the manner in which this may be interpreted when looking at whether or not assisted suicide or euthanasia should be allowed. The paper discusses the different perspectives, from Pope John Paul's statement that it is 'slaughter' to the idea of self-determination, allowing death with dignity. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEeuthi2.wps
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