Papers On Communications, Media, Theory, Etc
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Media Text Analysis
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A five page paper which looks at the way in which media texts represent reality, the social and political constraints which affect such representations, and the differences between news media in the UK and the US.
Filename: JLmedtext.rtf
Media Violence
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This 5 page paper looks at the subject of teen violence and its relationship with television. The focus of this communications paper is on the review of journals that provide information about the topic. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA123tv.rtf
Media's Role in Reporting American Conflicts
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This 10 page paper looks at the American media and its role in 911, other terrorist attacks, and the impending war. The paper supports the idea that media should be used as a tool of the U.S. government. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA246mea.rtf
Media, Communication Technologies and Democracy
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A 6 page paper using two articles provided by the student. Comments from both authors are included in this essay that discusses how communication technologies and how the media impact citizens. In the first article, the author discusses the capabilities of being exposed only to news or material one wants. This could lead to a society of exclusive groups. The second article addresses entertainment media and the very serious cultural clash of opinions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PGmedcom.wps
Media: Portrayal Of White Suspects Compared To Black Suspects In The Criminal Justice System
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11 pages in length. One of the most damning aspects of racial stereotypes is the manner in which all members of a particular race become grouped together for the actions of a relative few. By casting the negative light of racial profiling toward being Black, Mexican, Asian or any number of other ethnic races, it shows a great deal of ignorance and disrespect for that individual; just because someone is a member of a certain race does not mean that they represent any of the negative connotations associated with that race. African-Americans and Latinos are victims of this sort of prejudice on a regular basis by being regularly interrogated by law enforcement. It can readily be argued that the police are decidedly more prejudice toward some races than they are toward others; for this reason, certain races are badgered with no other justification than because of their color. However, law enforcement officials are not the only ones who misconstrue reality and perpetuate racial discord, inasmuch as the media have long incited controversy by participating in racial profiling. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: TLCMedRP.rtf
Media: Skewed Perspective Of Reality
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6 pages in length. Historically, the media have not earned the most stellar of reputations when it comes to portraying reality; indeed, the manner by which media advertising skews the perspective of reality has come to represent a commonplace approach to capitalistic consumerism. Proponents of television advertising contend that there is one phrase for those who are prone to the deceptiveness of broadcast media advertising: caveat emptor. They argue that it is not up to the advertiser to be responsible for the buyer's gullibility, even if that buyer happens to be a child. Indeed, it can easily be argued that there is some form of deception in most all advertising; employing actors to looks as though they are enjoying a particular product influences viewers to respond in the same fraudulent fashion. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCskewd.wps
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This 5 page paper takes a look at these types of indirect messages and how they are used today. Alternatives are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA045met.wps
Metaphor and the Organization -- Healthcare as an Example
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5 page report discusses the fundamental concept associated with
metaphor of using it as a way of explaining something by
describing it as something else. Certain aspects of
organizational behavior and organizational management are readily
described through the use of a metaphor and are often applicable
in virtually all types of work environments. However, such a
process requires a certain degree of awareness of the power of
language, especially in the healthcare context. Bibliography
lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWmeta4.wps
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The combination of oral and written language is the mode of
teaching used most often and metaphors play a significant role in the
process This 5 page paper argues that, while it is true that metaphors
enable individuals to communicate ideas surrounding complex and, or,
intimate experiences, it is not altogether true that the experiences are
difficult to describe without the use of metaphoric language because of
linguistic and grammatical constraints. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KTmeta4s.wps
Microsoft’s DirectBand Network and Smart Personal Objects Technology (SPOT)
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This is a 5 page paper discussing Microsoft’s DirectBand Network and Smart Personal Objects Technology (SPOT). In the fall of 2002, Microsoft introduced their new Smart Personal Objects Technology (SPOT) which rely on data download from their new DirectBand Network. The DirectBand Network utilizes the unused portions of the FM radio bandwidths already essentially established and the SPOT devices such as watches, key chains, and refrigerator magnets to name a few, download up-to-date information such as weather, sports, traffic, news, stock quotes, movies and other options such as personal messages to the user. While the new technology is considered less expensive in its implementation and the devices are also expected to be reasonably priced (and available in the fall of 2003), critics question whether or not these devices will make a substantial impact on a market that already has a great deal of choice in regards to hand held information devices such as cell phones and Pocket PCs.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TJdband1.rtf
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