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Papers On Business - Management
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Forms of Thought as they Relate to Managerial Responsibilities
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A 5 page paper which discusses various forms of thinking, and forces of influence, which affect problem recognition/identification and decision framing as it pertains to managerial responsibilities. Some forms of thought discussed are logical, scientific, persuasive, and creative. Some forces discussed are gender, culture, and religion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAthghtmng.rtf

Formulating Strategy at Aramark
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A 15 page paper focused on formulating strategy for a segment of this company's diverse business. Overall, ARAMARK's corporate strategy is well-defined, but the emerging growth in the need for cleanroom operations in growing numbers of disciplines is one the company needs to closely examine as a substantial contributor to growth in the future. The paper analyzes the company and industry in terms of Porter's Five Forces and VRIO analysis, and examines the area of Research Triangle Park, North Carolina as a possible expansion site for cleanroom and other uniform processing. RTP has a favorable work environment and is surrounded by three major research universities, teaching hospitals and a veterinary school. In addition, RTP has been called the "silicon valley of the East" and is home to much current research in biological semiconductor construction. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSAramark.wps

Formulation of Business Research
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This 5 page paper looks at the problems that may be faced by the business researcher and how they may be overcome. Problems discussed include reliability, validity, objectivity, causality and bias. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEbusres.wps

Forte Hotels, Branding, and Possible Future Markets
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This 12 page report discusses the United Kingdom’s hotel chain known as the Forte Hotels Group. The Forte Hotel Group includes Le Meridien, Trusthouse, Posthouse and Heritage hotels around the world and is the United Kingdom’s leading hotel group with 300 properties representing 30,000 rooms. The company employs approximately 47,000 people throughout the world (forte-hotels.com). Sixteen of the hotels are in London alone. In fact, Forte’s Trusthouse properties alone number over 200 hotels in Britain. The hotel industry is a notoriously troublesome realm in which to truly prosper requires the establishment of a clear identity. “Branding” has proven itself, time and again, to be an important component in the overall marketing mix of the “hospitality” industry. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWforte.wps

Four Essays on Technical Management
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20 pages. Consisting of four five-page essays, this paper includes the following topics: Customer focus and satisfaction, Technology Transfer, Managing Innovation and Managing Relationships. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
Filename: JGAdruck.wps

Four Leadership Theories
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A 10 page paper discussing Situational Leadership, Contingency Theory, Path-Goal Theory and Leader Member Exchange, following each theory with a discussion of practical application. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtLdrTheo.rtf

Four Seasons Hotels; A Case Study in Strategy
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This 5 page paper looks at this well known hotel chain and answers four questions; assessing the strategic success of the company, identifying their competitive strategy, looking at the changes over the last few years and assessing how these changes have helped the company and its strategy. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TE4seasn.rtf

Four Seasons in Paris
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An 8 page paper assessing decisions at Four Seasons as it expanded into Paris. Four Seasons seeks to maintain minimum standards that are far beyond the range of most hotels’ superlative efforts. A Canadian company, it often is perceived as being an American one because of its concentration of American properties and attention to detail that is perceived by many to be more of an American trait. Entering France not only for the first time, but also in the form of acquiring and renovating the historic George V Hotel, Four Seasons’ primary problem lay in determining where to establish boundaries of culture, both corporate and national. It found creative solutions that would allow it to take advantage of both forms. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSmgmt4Seasons.rtf

FourWinds Marina / Case Study
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5 pages in length. Case study of the FourWinds Marina. This paper will outline the following points: background of the facility; major opportunities and threats in the external environment; major strengths and weaknesses in available resources; financial condition; and recommended changes. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Fourwind.wps

France And South Korea: Comparison Of Employment Relations Environment
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14 pages in length. Thistle Electronics is a UK-owned company whose core business is manufacturing micro-electronic components and circuitry for such electronic consumer goods as mobile phones and computer peripherals. From its original plant in Glenrothes, Scotland it has expanded rapidly and is planning a vigorous policy of overseas direct investment in its manufacturing capacity in a number of potential locations. The company enthusiastically adopted a number of HRM practices in the late 1980s including performance related pay, team working, and a strategy of total flexibility with a heavy use of temporary workers and flexible working time (including overtime on demand). It has always refused to recognize a trade union, relying instead on a variety of employee involvement practices. The current Chief Executive, Ed McGregor, is aware that Thistle's domestic non-union approach may not be sustainable in many of the target locations overseas but remains unsure about the precise labor market and employment relations environments which Thistle can expect to encounter. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: TLCFr&SK.rtf

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