Papers On China & Chinese Issues
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Taoism and Yin Yang
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Taoism and Yin Yang: This 6-page essay explores the history of Yin Yang, and the corresponding beliefs in Taoism. Dating back as far as 5,000 B.C.E. these precepts have largely been responsible for shaping the Chinese culture. Difficult concepts to grasp, most Westerners find Taoism’s innate, non-judgmental philosophy of acceptance incomprehensible. Bibliography lists 4 sources. SNYinyan.doc
Filename: SNYinyan.doc
Testing the Totalitarian Model
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A 5 page paper presenting a hypothesis that the totalitarian model exists and is operational right up to the time that it falls to democracy, that there is no gradual transition from one to the other. The paper examines the experiences of Poland, Russia and China to conclude that the recent histories of those nations collectively support the hypothesis. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSpolTotal.rtf
The Adverse Impacts of Colonialism on Malaysia: Continual Ethnic and Religious Unrest
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A 9 page overview of the colonial history of Malaysia which emphasizes the impacts of immigration on ethnic diversity. With this diversity, and the British institutions of colonialism came ethnic and religious unrest which is still apparent in the country even today. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PPmalays.wps
The Art Of Chinese Calligraphy
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5 pages in length. Chinese calligraphy has its roots within ancient hieroglyphics, which – over the long ages of evolution – became quite diversified in both style and application, ultimately reflecting an important part of the heritage of national culture. Indeed, the art of Chinese calligraphy exists not only within the actual writing, but also represents a collective effort of emotional, spiritual and cultural function. The artistic element of Chinese calligraphy is critically important to its overall outcome, inasmuch as painting and writing have long been equally regarded throughout Chinese history. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCcalig.rt5
The Changing Role Of Women In Taiwan
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10 pages in length. Like so many global communities that are recognizing the inherent human rights attributable to the female gender, Taiwan is in the midst of a metamorphosis unlike anything in the nation's history. From marital rights to property ownership and everything in between, Taiwanese women are experiencing a rebirth of human dignity not previously afforded to them under the oppressive nature of a patriarchal society. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCWmTai.rtf
The China Plane Incident
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This 8 page paper provides an overview of what happened in China during April of 2001 when a spy plane made an emergency landing in the country. The hostage situation and resolution are discussed is depth. Chinese-American relations are looked at in a general sense. The thesis of the paper is that President Clinton created an atmosphere where such could happen. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA207Chn.rtf
The Chinese Educational System
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A 5 page essay on the history and current condition of the Chinese Eductinal System and the problems that it is currently faceing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Chinesed.wps
The Chinese Exclusion Act
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A five page paper which considers the Chinese Exclusion Act in terms of the impact which it had on racial issues in nineteenth century America and the gender balance within the immigrant Chinese community of the period. Bibliography lists one source.
Filename: JLgyory.rtf
The Chinese Market and International Business
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This 6 page
report discusses the advantages and disadvantages presented by
the Chinese market for international business development and
marketing. In 1998, new policies were enacted in China to
increase foreign investments and marketing expansion in the
country. They included the optimization of foreign-funded
industrial structure, the expansion of foreign investments into
the petrochemical and construction sectors, improved allocation
of foreign investments and attracting businesses from North
America and the European Union. Despite setbacks, China still
appears to be making a successful transition from central
planning to greater market orientation. Compared to many of the
transition economies in other parts of the world, it has largely
avoided the enormously high inflation, recession and unemployment
rates others have experienced. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: BWchimkt.wps
The Chinese Moon (Mid-Autumn) Festival
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A 5 page paper which examines the origin and celebration of the Chinese Moon (Mid-Autumn) Festival. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TGchmoon.rtf
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