Papers On Miscellaneous Economic Issues
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This 7-page paper focuses on the pharmaceutical industry and how its growth has compared with business cycles from 1980-2000. The essay examines the general economic cycles during this period, and, when possible, notes revenues and growth of the pharmaceutical industry. Also discussed are recommendations on how pharmaceutical companies can work with business cycles. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MTphacyc.rtf
Piers Blaikie’s “At Risk: Natural Hazards, People's
Vulnerability, and Disasters”
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This 5 page report discusses
Blaikie’s 1996 book and his theories regarding the vulnerability
of people in certain circumstances in the wake of a disaster.
Blaikie’s years of field work in the Third World nations allowed
him to develop his premise that the usual focus on natural
hazards as being responsible for provoking disasters is actually
out of place in the issues of political ecology and so-called
“recovery.” Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWblaiki.wps
Position Paper: Implementation of Learning Team(s)
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(5 pp) Learning teams are popular learning vehicles
because they bridge the gap between theory and
application. A targeted learning team approach
addresses both individual and organizational
needs-it's not just about problem solving but
applying learning to issues or problems we're
facing. Annotated bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BBlrntms.doc
Poverty and Population in Peru
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A 5 page paper which hypothesizes that high population rate contributes to high poverty rates in the country of Peru. Many influential changes have occurred to Peru in the last few decades, one of which is an incredibly rise in population and an incredible distinction between rural and urban life. This paper illustrates issues such as education levels, birth rates, population growth, infant mortality, and general conditions of poverty, all of which indicate that the growth in population has, at least, been partially responsible for the increased level of poverty. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAperu.wps
Prescription Drug Price Elasticity
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A 6 page paper assessing the economic effects
of government payment for all or a portion of seniors' prescription drug needs. The desire to
provide seniors with greater assurances that they will be able to afford health care in their latter
years is an admirable one, but any route of direct government payment for prescription drugs can
be expected to increase their costs. These price increases will affect all, and have the effect of
further decreasing access by groups not qualifying for government assistance. Bibliography lists 9
Filename: KSRxPriceElas.wps
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A 5 page paper that addresses to core topics related to this company – the company culture and the use of technology. The writer begins with a brief statement regarding the company's position and categories of services. Company culture is based on the three core values and a comprehensive Code of Conduct from PricewaterhouseCoopers all employees are expected to follow. Two case studies from technology companies illustrate how PricewaterhouseCoopers has used technology to enhance their competitive advantage. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGpwc.rtf
Privitization of the Prison System:
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This 6 page paper discusses the benefits of private prisons. This is an economics paper and therefore dicusses mainly the economic ramifications. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: GSPrison.rtf
Problem Solving: Small Credit Union - A Tutorial
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An 8 page paper. This tutorial paper discusses two main issues: how to motivate employees and how to be competitive. The writer discusses motivation in terms of generation (Baby Boomers and Gen X) and then offers a number of strategies used by other credit unions to grow. Suggestions are provided to students. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGcrdun.wps
Problems With the Concept of a Gold Standard
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A 7 page discussion of the "Gold Standard" with conclusion that we should not return to it. Please call for more detailed information. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Goldsta2.wps
Production Ownership Revisited
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A 7 page paper discussing the economic
classification theory of Egon Neuberger and its relevance in the emerging world economy. The
paper strives to use Neuberger's classification system to characterize economies based solely on
ownership of means of production. That classification had meaning before the fall of communism,
but even China no longer qualifies as a centrally planned economy under production ownership
criteria. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSneuberger.wps
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