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Papers On Accounting & Personal Finance
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Market Correction Through Governmental Regulation
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8 pages in length. We learn from economics texts that for every economic imbalance that occurs, there is a corrective reaction that occurs to reestablish equilibrium. Those corrective actions are not immediate though, and sometimes they seemingly take forever. Arguing in favor of government control is not to say that businesses need to be regulated in their ability to operate or to make their own decisions, and in fact they need to be encouraged to develop new products and services to be able to remain competitive. Government regulation is required in financial sectors to control those market flaws that cannot be otherwise corrected. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Govtreg.wps

Market Failure on the NASDAQ
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This 5 page paper looks at the way in which asymmetry of information lead to a market failure in the NASDAQ in New York. The reasons for this are discussed and a brief case study is undertaken to demonstrate the failure by looking at Amazon .com. The paper includes two charts and the bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEnasdaq.wps

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This 8 page paper details the characteristics of Market Orientation. Also mentioned are the cultural barriers facing companies as they expand globally. Examples are given which define market orientation, and cultural barriers. Experts in the field are quoted.Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: mbmktorient.rtf

Marketing Credit Cards to China
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This 9 page paper considers the entrance of a product into a new market. Using the example of marketing credit cards in China, the paper shows how an examination of the macro environmental factors should be undertaken to assure there is a good fit between the company wishing to enter the market, the product and the market that is available. Also included are any problems that may be faced by the company when entering the market and the best method of entry. The paper ends with a consideration of ethnocentric or polycentric management orientation. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEccmark.rtf

Marketing in the United Kingdom Financial Services Market
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This 7 page paper considers the way that market segmentation in this industry is manifested and its' importance in terms of the purchase decision, the types of purchases made and the choice of intermediary. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEfinmrk.wps

Marketing Online Payment Services: Part II
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An 8 page paper discussing a marketing plan for WorldPay, an online payment service focusing on business-to-business transactions. The paper adds discussion of the marketing mix and benefits to client companies to general background discussed elsewhere and not included in this paper. The paper concludes that WorldPay also needs to stress that its services are appropriate for international trade but certainly not unavailable for domestic transactions. It needs to encourage customers to consider making all its business payments through WorldPay for the purpose of speeding the process by which funds arrive in the business' account while simultaneously gaining added security in each transaction. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSmktgOnlPymt.rtf

Marks and Spencer; International Operations
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This 11 page paper looks at Marks and Spencer's and consider the company in terms if intentional operations. The writer first looks at the history of the company that has led to the current position, why the company choose to develop internationally and then the role that the international retail division plays and the income it produces. The writer then considers international trade in terms of the way the company sources some of its products. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEmarksi.rtf

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This paper examines a case study prepared for Marriott and determines what the best financial decision would be for this company in order to maximize shareholder wealth.
Filename: MTmarrio.rtf

Marshall Jevons' 'The Fatal Equilibrium'
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In 4 pages the author discusses "The Fatal Equilibrium" by Marshall Jevons. "One of economics' main assumptions is that firms seek to magnify their profits, trying to make them as high as possible. This is controversial to a certain degree. There are those that suggest that instead of maximizing their profits, some firms try to maximize revenues or their share in the market, or something more complicated. No matter what it is called, the bottom line is that all firms attempt to maximize their profits. This is only good business sense." Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Mjevons.wps

Martha Stewart And The SEC
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This 5 page paper begins with a brief outline of Martha Stewart's background and how she came to form her company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. Her entrance to 'gracious living' began in 1972 with a catering business. It was the publication of her first book in 1982 that launched her into the public spotlight and her business kept expanding and escalating from that point. Stewart has now been accused of insider trading with the sale of her ImClone stock. The case is discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGmso2.rtf

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