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Papers On Accounting & Personal Finance
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Investments, Interest Rates and Swaps
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This 5 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student. The case considers different investments with different rates of return and how the swap values may be calculated so that there is an investment parity. Sample calculations are included.
Filename: TEswaprt.wps

Ireland and the ECB (European Central Bank)
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This 5 page paper considers how one of the economic successes of a single Europe; Ireland, has also become the first to be reprimanded for an inappropriate and potentially inflationary fiscal policy. The paper considers the background to the issue and how this can be seen to evolve with the ECB policies and the interaction of the different economies. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEirelnd.wps

Is China Becoming the Next World Economic Super Power?
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A 10 page paper looking primarily at late 1990's economic developments in China, with an eye toward answering the above question. China is in the process of moving from a market-driven socialist economy to one that, while freer, cannot be termed a totally free economy. Already, the economic boom in progress since 1987 has greatly increased the living standard of millions of China's citizens. The Jiang government is taking active steps to ensure that China continues to enjoy double-digit economic growth while holding inflation at low levels, and they are committed to relieving themselves of all but 1,000 of the 305,000 state-owned enterprises. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Chinabpow.wps

Is Discounted Cash Flow a Superior Investment Appraisal Technique?
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This 4 page paper examined discounted cash flow as an investment tool and looks at it advantages and disadvantages compared to other tools. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEdiscsh.rtf

Is NPV a Superior Capital Investment Appraisal Technique?
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This 5 page paper looks at the use of NPV (net present value), as a capital appraisement tool and considers if it may be seen as the most superior measure by looking at its advantages and its shortfalls. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEnpvcap.wps

IS Schedule and Changing Economic Stability
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of two distinctly separate questions, one which outlines the view of the introduction of communication technology (information systems) and the implications through the view of a decision tree, and the second relates the link between aggregate supply and aggregate demand as they shape a view of economic shifts, employment and wages. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MHISWage.rtf

Is The Bull Market Going To Last?
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A 5 page paper discussing whether the bear is ever going to return. There are some hard and fast rules within the universe. Until the early 1990s, one had been that the stock market would rise until stock values had reached a point at which they were overvalued in some degree, then they would 'correct.' We have no reason to believe that rule will not activate in any given year or even tomorrow. But the interval of the cycle has certainly been stretched beyond the limits of anyone's imagination only a few years ago. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Bullmkt.wps

Is the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem Still Operational?
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A 7 page paper discussing unexpected wage movements in international trade. International trade theory says that as international trade increases, the wages of the unskilled labor of developing countries will rise, and to the detriment of the wages of skilled labor in rich countries. Not only has this not been the case in many instances, there are developing nations in which the pattern also has not held. The purpose here is to discuss the applicability of the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem to determine its continued usefulness. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSeconStolpSam.rtf

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This 10 page paper discusses the history of the country, role in history, economic performance of the economy over the years, and various economic issues such as investment potentials, internal structures, and future economic performances. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MBisrael.rtf

Issues in Accounting
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A 5 page overview of three areas of particular issue in Accounting: 1. Loosely defined and/or understood ethics and procedures, 2. a resulting increase in accounting fraud, and an overall 3. decreased sensitivity of the accounting profession to public concern. Discusses the importance of incorporating ethics and communications coursework in training programs and also discusses the importance of internal perusal of accounting procedures as a deterrent to fraud. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: AccFraud.wps

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